Thursday, April 17, 2008

No pun in ten did

Its been some time since i passed out from school but still always pine for it. I like school a lot but somehow didn't like the principal of it. Believe me it was tough!I used to work for 24 hours straight before calling it a day.Even when we were small there was so much work.And we were forbidden to use pens till class five.I'm quite careless and used to lose my sharpener and it was so pointless trying to write with a broken pencil.
And then there were the subjects....I used to love biology.Especially looking at fungi on a piece of bread through the microscope.It was a good way to mold my mind. English was also good.I remember this one time when my English teacher was telling us how two negatives could make a positive.She also told us that however two positives can never make a negative.My friend though was skeptical. "Yeah rite", he said.
Geography was cool too.Learning about the world is always fun.My teacher told us a story about two Eskimos who were in a kayak . It got very chilly so they lit a fire and that caused the boat to sink.Well that pretty much proves that you can't have your kayak and heat it too.
I won't dwell much on history.Its all old news anyway.One subject that i did like though was physics.We had a charismatic teacher and all but it wasn't the teacher more so the subject.I just loved studying about gravity.It was a very attractive field.
And then came maths.The scourge of many of my classmates.I found it ok.So so..I mean the kiddie part of it like addition and subtraction was easy enough.But then it got tough.I remember calculus.I absolutely hated it.Those were the times when our young teenage minds were impressionable.My math teacher used to warn us about social evils.She always said that alcohol and calculus never mix.So don't drink and derive!
Well those were the days.Days that will never come back.And i try to be funny and get a few laughs out of it.I actually entered all these puns into a competition hoping one would win.And you know what happened? Check out the title of this post.


Gayatri Bhadran said...

you LIKED school? =O which one did you go to?

John Doe said...

Only the most awesomest (ya ya i got poetic license) one on earth!! called Vikaasa

Empress of Blandings said...

Grinnnn :) No wonder you didn't win that competition..puns aren't meant to be recycled! Still, nice blog :) Hope you post more often!

John Doe said...

its just that coming up with originals are hard.You have to create the right atmosphere..or just have someone unbelievably around :) thats my take.wat say empress?

Niamh said...

;) I am loving the title tho...

John Doe said...

merci mademoiselle :)

Anonymous said...

yr school s NOT d most "awesomest" on earth!!!!

John Doe said...

it is too!!

Anonymous said...

is NOT!!!!!!!!! my school s d best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

too good man!! reminds me of our good old days at school...